What does the future of construction look like?
How does new data and solutions help to create a construction sector corresponding to the 21st century?
The campaign has been launched by the Estonian Digital Construction Cluster, 3Di, Port of Tallinn and Nordecon.

Reality Capture
Reality Capture enables the quick, visual, and accurate documentation of any spatial situation. To achieve our goal in Reality Capture, we use different modern spatial data acquisition solutions – scanners, drones, and Lidars. New solutions enable to create an exact 3D copy of reality.
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With WMS, you can distribute high-resolution orthophotos and other necessary layers to various parties.
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Siteview is an online environment which enables getting a quick overview of the construction site, checking the quantities stored of materials, and comparing the design to reality.
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Koostöö mängufirmaga
3Di koostöös Realities.io Inc. mängufirmaga pani Eesti ajaloolised objektid mängu sisse.
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