How was the 3Di brand born?
First, it should be explained that 3Di grew from the classic construction geodesy company Hades Geodeesia OÜ. The story of Hades begins already in 1990 with the creation of Hades AS. Hades AS was one of the first Estonian construction geodesy companies based on private capital in the newly independent Estonia. It was followed by Hades Geodeesia OÜ, a geodesy company established in 1999, and Hades Invest OÜ, an importer of Topcon brand geodesy instruments.
Since our founding, we have been market leaders in geodesy, creating business models and methods that have become standard in the field. For example, we are the first company in Estonia that delivered as-built drawings to the customer in digital form. Innovation has been in our DNA since the early years of the company.However, 20 years later, we have come to the conclusion that the classic business model is way past its prime. A change, a new direction, a revolutionary business model is needed.
That is how the 3Di brand was born. It is a new direction in construction geodesy and much more.
Why do we need change?
Although the Estonian construction sector has grown rapidly in recent years, we are still behind other European countries, and especially other economic sectors. This is due to the old working methods in the construction sector, the thought patterns which are also represented in construction geodesy.
In the last few decades, the technology has evolved remarkably. Drones (UAVs), laser scanners, photogrammetry, as well as various cloud-based data transmission methods have become commonplace. These technological developments create entirely new possibilities for data acquisition and data transfer. Measurements that take days with classical methods can be performed in a few hours. Files reaching gigabytes in size can now be easily transferred through the data cloud. The data itself has also changed. The classical methods of data collection have largely allowed the creation of only 2D drawings with few elevations. With the new methods, however, the prerequisites are created for the creation of 3D models, where the data itself is more accurate, more controllable, and more photorealistic than ever before.
The classical methods of data collection have largely allowed the creation of only 2D drawings with few elevations. With the new methods, however, the prerequisites are created for the creation of 3D models, where the data itself is more accurate, more controllable, and more photorealistic than ever before.
New information, new possibilities.
Three-dimensional data is not used only in construction. Far from it. Therefore, 3Di also wants to expand its field of activity, focusing on other areas besides construction.
3D data can be used for various purposes. For example, with the help of 3D models, it is possible to create models that correspond to reality, using the help of 3D printing. It is possible to create city models, product prototypes, models of cultural heritage monuments/sculptures, and much more. With new technologies, it is possible to measure objects in such a way that it is difficult to distinguish the created model from reality.
The much-discussed new direction in 3D models and virtual and augmented reality is the metaverse. In futurism and science, the metaverse is the development of the Internet, a single collective space used through various virtual and augmented reality solutions. It has become a hot topic in the last six months thanks to the name change of Facebook. The new name of the parent company of the social network is now Meta. It comes from the vision for the future of the Internet of Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. He believes that the future Internet belongs to the metaverse. From the point of view of the construction sector, it is important to monitor the development of the field. Namely, on the webcast introducing the brand change of Meta,we can see a scene where people from different physical locations meet in the metaverse to discuss the development of the construction project. In addition, there are already working solutions in the sector, in which, for example, the BIM model of a building can be displayed through the metaverse. A good example is The Wild’s product IrisVR. In addition, 3Di also has a product that can be used to display a 3D BIM model of a building on the construction site through augmented reality (AR). The name of this product is BIM2Field. Be sure to find out more information about the product on our website

Community Charity: 3Di Heritage.
In connection with the tragic events taking place in Ukraine, we have decided to create digital twins of the buildings belonging to Estonian culture and heritage. Unfortunately, over the past few years, we have witnessed the near complete destruction of several historically important buildings due to both war and other threats. One sad example is the Notre-Dame cathedral fire in 2019. The roof of the building was destroyed in the fire, while the altar of the cathedral, two organs, and the mosaic windows built in the thirteenth century were damaged. Fortunately, there are various 3D models/point clouds of the building that can be used to restore the building. One of the interesting starting points for the restoration of the cathedral is a computer game –Assassin’s Creed Unity. The game takes place partly in the Notre-Dame cathedral. The 3D model of the building built in the game is extremely accurate and detailed, thereby helping to rebuild the burnt cathedral.
As part of the project, we will also reveal a new online environment: In the environment, it is possible to observe 3D models in their original location. The 3D objects are made with the utmost precision; every little detail can be seen in the model. In addition, you can research interesting information about the history of the building. All the buildings mapped so far already exist in the environment. At the moment, there are 20 objects in the application. We are gradually improving the environment and moving closer to our goal.
Products of 3Di and the possibilities they provide.
The products of 3Di help to make smarter decisions, reduce the number of construction mistakes, drive innovation in the construction value chain, and make the entire construction process more efficient and transparent. There are six products in the 3Di portfolio: SiteView, BIM2Field, Transparent Ground, Design In Reality, Reality Capture, and WMS.
- SiteView is an online environment which enables getting a quick overview of the construction site, checking the quantities stored of materials, and comparing the design to reality.
- BIM2Field allows observing the BIM model of the future building without leaving the construction site, at the correct location, with the correct dimensions and data.
- With the help of Transparent Ground, it is possible to view existing and future utility and communication networks directly through the ground.
- With Design In Reality, one can observe the future structure in a way as if it was already completed on the construction site.
- Reality Capture enables the quick, visual, and accurate documentation of any spatial situation.
- WMS makes aerial data available to everyone.
These products make it possible to digitise the construction sector and make construction data more transparent.
The mission of 3Di
The mission of 3Di is to make the construction value chain reliable. We will achieve our mission by making construction data visual and easy to understand, thereby helping to build trust throughout the construction value chain. For our life and cultural space to become high-quality, beautiful, and human-friendly, there must be trust, the will to develop, and a common understanding between the different companies in the construction value chain. 3Di lays a foundation on which trust, innovation, and a common understanding can be built. Cooperation is the basis for success and the only way we can create a living environment that meets the expectations and possibilities of the twenty-first century. 3Di wants to be a pioneer in the creation and development of new opportunities in the entire field of construction.
Contact us and let us take the next step in the digitisation of construction together!
“The Metaverse and How We will Built it Together” – Connect 2021. Youtube: (2021)